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Synapse’s 7Es Guide to Healthcare Stardom

7 Steps to Social Media Marketing. (Giving away some real trade secrets here)

For the relaunch of JB (also earlier known as JB Chem, JB Pharma, Unique) we at Synapse were assigned the Social Media duties. It was a huge responsibility and a great experience. If you are in the healthcare industry in India and you’ve not been living under a rock, you would have heard of it. (Was that a tall claim?)

We began with a complete understanding of the new logo, new promise, story and objectives.

We mapped our task into 7 stages which will be useful for anyone into social media marketing.

To make it easy to understand, let’s call them 7Es.

  1. Enlist
  2. Educate
  3. Engage
  4. Excite
  5. Encourage
  6. Extend
  7. Expand

Enlisting simply means getting more followers.
Internal, External, Industry, Enthusiasts. Through teasers, requests, hype and even educating them on how to follow the handles.
This is a critical stage and there should be targets. I’m not talking about buying followers obviously. Carefully calculated numbers based on current team size, partners & customers.

Educating your Followers.
Basically informing people who you are, what you do, why you do it, what’s great about you. It’s giving away a lot of value to get everyone on the same page.

Exciting your Fans.
This stage is about the buildup, to the launch, the coverage, and more. Everything that gets a “delta of emotions” is what becomes a part of the excitement. Also using media, bigger brands and associations. Exciting is all about the “right hook” content.

Like, Comment, Share.
Creating opportunities for everyone to engage with the posts. Here Polls are a great way to get people moving. The sometimes shy followers on social media audience are happy to click on ready options. Not everyone is savvy, so give ways to get involved. Ask for one word answers, viewpoints, opinions.

This one is the tough part.
Asking people to share their thoughts, views, and opinions. Sharing media like pics, videos and other experiences. One can be clever and create video/photo booths where people can take pictures, videos and share them. Ask the savvy ones to blog and at least share the posts continuously. Encouraging is about “Call to Action ”. Ask yourself what is the ROI you are expecting and measure success at this stage.

The story doesn’t end here.
One has to take this journey to the next level. Keep the momentum going. In our case we had to find new opportunities to show how the Branding was not just a logo change but a culture change. And how the new promise is now helping create change for good.

Find new ways to keep staying in the hearts of your followers. Use “delta moments” to get more traction and keep Enlisting new followers to keep your journey going.

Remember to always Quantify, Optimise, Improvise!

At Synapse, we are not just any agency, we are building the world’s best healthcare, pharmaceutical creative agency. We pride ourselves on being ahead of the curve when it comes to social media. If you are looking for such kinds of solutions, look no further