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Unlocking Success: The ASK Approach to Mastering Interviews and Building Winning Teams

I have a simple rule when it comes to taking interviews.


A.S.K. is my acronym for Attitude. Skill. Knowledge.

Whenever I take an interview (and I’ve taken hundreds) I can see through a resume, and a person really quick. Normally my first question is the one where my doubt is the most, and mostly its a query that determines how long the interview is going to last.

But here below is my general checklist and why ASK is important.

My first check is always on A for Attitude.

Is the candidate a nice person to talk to? 

Pleasant, Adjusting, Helpful, Smiling. 

Will they fit in our culture? What is their likable quotient?

My next check is on S for Skill.

Do they know the job? Will they learn as they grow? 

Are they proficient to work independently and with a team?

Can they adapt to market changes?

Last, I check K for Knowledge.

Do they understand our domain? Have they gone deep and wide into the previous projects handled? Do they know the industry, profile and trends?

The meaning behind the acronym, ASK, is very important here because when I ask, I actually am more interested in “Listening”.

I always make it a point to ask the candidate, if “they” want to Ask questions.

In fact the questions they ask are a great measure of their needs and desires from the job.

And then I also go on to see if the candidate is a good listener.